Created in 2004 by 2 lovers of Morocco, Immobilière d'Essaouira has developed over the years by providing quality advice to people wishing to acquire, sell or rent property in the region.
The rigorous work carried out with the assistance of true real estate professionals before each transaction has enabled us to establish a solid reputation and ensure a high level of satisfaction for our clients.
Thus, thanks to the quality of our teams and the recommendations of our former clients, our agency is today positioned among the leaders in its sector.
Led by a multidisciplinary team of 3 people, we support you in your installation projects in Morocco, investment or management of your property.
- Aurélie is a specialist in transactions – estimates.
- Kheira ensures the rental management of the properties in the portfolio
- Guillaume mainly advises on investments (rental or commercial)
Always keen to best meet your personal objectives, do not hesitate to ask us to better understand how we can support you in your efforts.
We are at your side to help you understand the environment, meet the right people (notaries, banks, accountants, etc.) and decide calmly.
Support throughout the pre and post acquisition process is for us the guarantee of your satisfaction... and our development.